Trusted by the best companies in the world
Campaign Planning and Operations At Scale
Skip the spreadsheets & emails to work more efficiently and launch more campaigns more consistently.
Track all of your marketing activities including digital, social, influencers, podcasts, offline, and more!

01 Setup
Create your brand's campaign media plan template (or use our default template) and match the data fields to your ad platform and UTM naming conventions.

02 Create
Publish campaigns instantly by creating your media plans on any advertising channel. Automations between your media plans and ad platforms ensures that campaign metadata is consistent.

03 Report
Gain unmatched insights from all your advertising platforms and analytics thanks to clean and accurate campaign data that enables quicker reporting and quicker actions.
Get consistent campaign tracking conventions
Say goodbye to the hassle of managing your campaign data taxonomy in spreadsheets that fall out of sync.
Define all campaign tracking codes and UTM tracking links in real time, from one unified platform.
Standardised naming nomenclature ensures a single source of truth for all your campaigns.
Single Brand
Unlimited Campaigns
Up to 50 Users
Media Plan Templates
Ad Platform Naming Conventions
Multi-Channel Campaigns
Multiple Brands and Sub-Brands
starting price per month
Everything in Standard
From 500 Users
Data Backup To Your Cloud
Advanced Role Management
API Access